A new preprint of the paper Koopman-driven Grip Force Prediction through EMG Sensing!

A preprint of the paper titled Koopman-driven Grip Force Prediction through EMG Sensing, has been published on ArXiv!

The research is authored by Tomislav Bazina, Ervin Kamenar, Maria Fonoberova, and Igor Mezić in collaboration with AIMdyn, Inc..

We would like to thank the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award Number FA9550-22-1-0531) and the University of Rijeka (Grant UNIRI-ISKUSNI-23-4) for their support of this research.

The study focuses on estimating and predicting hand grip force using a single pair of surface electromyography (EMG) sensors. By applying novel signal processing techniques and a Koopman-based data-driven approach, the research achieved accurate real-time force estimations and predictions with minimal error.